Getting started

Donot hesitate to hesitate. But stop not at that. The key to spontaneous expression is all in the mind.

Be in the light

at your wave length

torsdag 31 december 2015

Put on your glad rags and party!

Draft the party's manifesto! 
Any visiting party will be asked to conform to safety procedures whilst on site. A person or people forming one side in an agreement should suggest a contract between participating parties. But be no party to some very shady deals. Keep it transparent. The aim should be to enjoy oneself at the party or any other kind of a lively gathering, typically when it is alright to allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of time.
Because You are worth it.

For such a long time, it was the salutation that they will meet again, — to convey an inference that somehow they will doubtless so meet, sooner or later.
Time for a moment said good bye or farewell and yet time meant welcome to the next year. Because life goes on into another yearlong period - 2016.
So long. I may again return in a year from now. Tomorrow. Remember my words. See you later. Are You coming into the next Year? Oh! Are we there already? 

To You — from the fruits of the jungles.

The newspaper that drops on your doorstep is a partial, hasty, incomplete, inevitably somewhat flawed and inaccurate rendering of some of the things we have heard about in the past twenty-four hours -- distorted, despite our best efforts to eliminate gross bias, by the very process of compression that makes it possible for you to lift it from the doorstep and read it in about an hour. If we labeled the product accurately, then we could immediately add: But it's the best we could do under the circumstances, and we will be back tomorrow with a corrected and updated version.You must have read this before.

A mesmerising stare. Optic illusion.

Something that's a joy and a delight has been the light of someone's eyes. Sometimes to see the problem, you have to see it in a different light. To see the light, come into the world. The truth often illuminates people's thought processes. Decorated buildings or structures with lights for a special occasion, as pyrotechnic displays, emit energy that has a positive effect on the health of human beings. Not only to see gravity and modesty and pride and courtesy and stateliness, but to feel or act them in the mind's tissues and muscles.. In the best of all cases having the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. An abstract phrase from a theory of art appreciation that maintains appreciation depends on the viewer's ability to project his personality into the viewed object. Light illuminates the viewers mind. The mind absorbs impressions it perceives.

lördag 26 december 2015

Standardised comfort and protection is sustainable living

Some learnings of 2015 about

standard of living

The standard of living is that degree of wealth and material comfort available to a person or community. Where does it all come from? Any natural law theory standardly requires a form of rational justification, expressed in or denoting or relating to the form of a language widely accepted as the usual correct form. First of all, all principles of conduct informed by notions of honour and decency are foremost abstract and encourage a decline in moral standards, whenever it suits someone. While something is used as a measure, norm, or model in comparative; a grade of proficiency tested by examination or the form or class preparing subjects for such a grade will work against any ambition to raise standards in that human culture. A high standard of service may be the ambition, of the leaders, in order to raise overall standards in the state. And if the wages are low by today's standards, the system has become an industry standard all over except for the bankers and financiers. Many have tried to take up arms to raid the neighbouring countries or even countries far and near, to maintain a standard of living. The prescribed weight of fine metal in gold coins is a system by which the value of a currency is defined in terms of gold. How should that express the grade of comfort available to a person or community in every state of being? Is it sustainable?