Getting started

Donot hesitate to hesitate. But stop not at that. The key to spontaneous expression is all in the mind.

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at your wave length

fredag 16 december 2016

Putting Grant(h) in motion 17 - Inquiry/Enquiry

Sikhsth fields: Basics 17


An act of asking for information by investigation, examination, exploration, probe, search, scrutiny, scrutinisation, study, inspection; inquest, hearing. Children are best and spontaneous to ask a question, ask about or ask for specific information. They do it to learn or find out by asking, seek information or knowledge; to rest a mind in a state of exciting curiosity, being eager to know. Desire for knowledge for an object of interest puts questions to probe and investigate a detail or a situation bringing careful attention to a thing. The game of probing and penetrating investigation is inquiry as is enquiry.

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