Getting started

Donot hesitate to hesitate. But stop not at that. The key to spontaneous expression is all in the mind.

Be in the light

at your wave length

söndag 13 december 2020

Enlighten mind

Do not have many worries on your mind. I am fine.
You have opened your mind to me.

I am receptive. I have opened my mind to other things as well.

You are out of your mind!?

I am still in control of my mental faculties despite your mind bending.

Now, I am getting bored out of my mind.

Put me in mind of you.

You remind me of you in my clothes.

Car meal for the road: 18.00 hrs

  1. Put Meat: Smoked casseroles, divided in pieces in a sauce pan.
  2. Add: Water in the saucepan.
  3. Add: Ginger Onion Lemon Tomato
  4. Add: Salt Black pepper and Game spices
  5. Boil: With a lid
  6. Add: Powdered mashed potatoes. 
  7. Mix evenly
  8. Serve with Raw cabbage Raw carrots

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